+48 22 490 20 44 Help for foreigners living in Poland

Important information

Please note that the information provided on this website does not constitute a source of law. We assure you that we have made every effort to ensure that it complies with current legislation. However, please note that this website is for informational purposes only and the information provided on this website may not be used in disputes with governmental authorities. In case of doubt, we recommend that you contact the authority conducting administrative proceedings in a particular case and familiarize yourself with the provisions of the legislation that may have a decisive influence on its resolution. You can also contact our infoline migrant.info: +48 22 490 20 44

General information

Every child aged 7 to 18 residing in Poland is covered by school duty or the duty of studying. This means that they must go to school under the penalty of sanctions against their parents. This obligation also applies to children who do not have Polish citizenship, regardless of the migration status of their parents in Poland.

The school year in Poland begins on September 1 and ends on the last Friday of June of the following year. Lessons are held in schools five days a week, Monday through Friday. Weekends (Saturday and Sunday) are free for children.

The school year is divided into two semesters. The first semester ends in January or February. The second semester ends in June and it is also the end of the school year. The grades issued then are the final grades in a given school year and are entered onto the school certificate - a document confirming that the child graduated from a specific level.

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